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Page 12
“Thank you,” he said. “I don’t know what else to say but thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Amy nudged his arm. “Why don’t we go set the table for dinner?”
“Sure.” He got the feeling she wanted to talk to him, in private, and the chore was just an excuse.
Once they were in the kitchen, she hugged him. “You’re not upset with me? I kind of took over and strong-armed you into everything.”
He shook his head, put his hands on either side of her face, and kissed her square on the mouth. “I’m not mad. I’m humbled, but not mad. No one has ever fought for me like you have.”
“Fought with you, you mean.”
Her saucy smile made him grin. “Tomato, to-mah-to.” He got serious again, though, because this mattered too much. “Growing up, I was scared to let anyone help me. Afraid that I’d get too attached to a place, or the people, and then have to give it up again. I’d act out so that I’d get moved . . . it was somehow easier if I rejected them before they could reject me. But Ian was different. I didn’t feel that way with him, and then I lost him. Letting you in should have been difficult, but it wasn’t. It was easy. And even when you were angry with me, it was because you were fighting for me. I just couldn’t see it. So thank you, Amy. I’m sure I’m not worth it but you sure as hell seem to think I am, and that changes everything. I won’t let you down.” He swallowed tightly. “I’m so done with running. I’m ready to have a home.”
She reached up and touched his face. “People occasionally let each other down,” she whispered. “But then they take each other’s hands and help them back up again. I’m good at loving people, George. Let me love you.”
His breath came out in a rush as he hugged her close. “God, Amy. You’re so easy to love. It’s way harder to let someone love me. But I’ll try.”
“Then kiss me and seal the deal,” she said.
He touched his lips to hers, his heart hammering against his ribs. How had this happened? Three weeks ago he’d been rebuilding his life, step by slow step. And Amy had blown in with a snowstorm and changed everything.
“Hey, George?” She kissed his cheek and he felt her lips curve against her skin. “You know that night we first kissed? At the bridge?”
“Yeah.” Like he could forget.
“I know what the legend says.”
He did, too. That whoever kissed on the bridge would have their love last forever. He gave her waist a squeeze. “Aw, that’s just fairy tales. Besides, we weren’t even on the bridge. We were across it, remember?”
She leaned back a few inches and grinned at him, her eyes dancing. “Well, I might have stumbled a bit, and put my hand on the railing . . .”
He laughed, and kissed her again, lifting her off the floor and spinning her around a bit.
The sound of the television came from the living room; some holiday special that had ‘Deck the Halls’ playing. “That’s Mom’s cue that we’re going to have company soon,” she whispered, giggling. “We’d better start rattling some dishes so she knows we’re not making out in here.”
And as George set plates around the dining table, he realized that living was better than existing, and loving was the greatest blessing of all.
About the Author
Author photograph © Marti Corn Photography
While bestselling author Donna Alward was busy studying Austen, Eliot, and Shakespeare, she was also losing herself in the breathtaking stories created by romance novelists like LaVyrle Spencer, Judith McNaught, and Nora Roberts. Several years after completing her degree, she decided to write a romance of her own, and it was true love! Five years and ten manuscripts later, she sold her first book and launched a new career. While her heartwarming stories of love, hope, and homecoming have been translated into several languages, hit bestseller lists, and won awards, her very favorite thing is when she hears from happy readers.
Donna lives on Canada’s east coast with her family, which includes a husband, a couple of kids, a senior dog, and two crazy cats. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading (of course!), knitting, gardening, cooking . . . and is a Masterpiece Theatre addict. You can visit her on the Web at www.DonnaAlward.com and join her mailing list at www.DonnaAlward.com/newsletter.
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Don’t miss a single breathtaking moment of the Darling, VT series!
Get the FREE prequel to the Darling, VT series at www.DonnaAlward.com
Also by Donna Alward
The Darling, VT Series
Somebody Like You
Someone to Love
Somebody’s Baby
The Jewell Cove Series
The House on Blackberry Hill
Treasure on Lilac Lane
Christmas at Seashell Cottage
Summer on Lovers’ Island
Christmas at Evergreen Inn
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Notice
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
About the Author
Also by Donna Alward
Copyright Page
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
DECK THE HALLS. Copyright © 2017 by Donna Alward. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Cover photograph: Christmas tree © Jim Craigmyle/Getty Images
The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
ISBN 978-1-250-17933-3 (ebook)
First Edition: October 2017
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